페이크 다이아몬드

Fake Diamond

2014 공연예술 창작산실 지원사업 우수작품 재공연 지원작

[Fake Diamond]

2015.3.6 ~3.7 @ 아르코 예술극장 대극장


안무.연출 차진엽

크리에이티브 디렉터 김지욱

무대감독 이도엽

음악감독 Graye Moon 

무대디자인 조일경

조명디자인 김익현

의상디자인 최인숙

프로듀서 최수명 최승애

홍보사진 및 영상 KIMWOLF

홍보물디자인 Sohee Shin

출연 김동욱 김유정 김이슬 박상미 유수경 차진엽 최명현 한경남

게스트출연 디퍼 배인혁 서일영 양문희

제작.주최 collective A

후원 한국문화예술위원회

Choreography Cha Jinyeob

Finding the Real Me? ″Fake Diamond″

The contemporary dance piece ″Fake Diamond″ stereoscopically depicts basic human desires and the criticism of society. Choreographed and directed by Cha Jin-Yeob, the artistic director & choreographer of collective A, this performance expresses human beings′ twisted desires as well as the hypocrisy of our society. Unlike the premier, which was comprised of a single act, this performance has 2 acts, more extravagant stage installations, choreography and stage outfits. Act 1 visually reveals the vanity and desire of humans with visual elements, while Act 2 depicts the greedy inner sides of human through dance. The intermission is also part of the performance. Four dancers show different dance moves in different corners of the lobby, and this performance is held to prolong the feelings and emotions provided by Act 1 and to act as a prelude of Act 2 as well. ″Fake Diamond″ portrays the pretense and hypocrisy of humans through dance, enabling the audience to find their true selves.

[Performance] A bitter satire on today′s society filled with hypocrisy and pretentiousness

ARKO Performing Arts Center


트레일러 2015버젼


Fake Diamond

2013 공연예술 창작산실 지원사업 우수작

2013.12.19 @ 대학로 예술극장 대극장


안무 차진엽

출연 김지욱 김윤아 조형준 한경남 박상미 김성현 유수경 차진엽

제작.주최 collective A

후원 한국문화예술위원회

아름답지만 쓸모없는, 쓸모없지만 아름답기만 한

Beautiful but Useless, Useless but Beautiful

Finding the Real Me? ″Fake Diamond″

The contemporary dance piece ″Fake Diamond″ stereoscopically depicts basic human desires and the criticism of society. Choreographed and directed by Cha Jin-Yeob, the artistic director & choreographer of collective A, this performance expresses human beings′ twisted desires as well as the hypocrisy of our society.

[Performance] A bitter satire on today′s society filled with hypocrisy and pretentiousness